Finding The Perfect Place For My Mom

Things To Discuss With The Memory Care Staff About Your Loved One

If you have made the decision to place your senior loved one in an assisted living facility for memory care services, it is essential that the staff become familiar with the person's medical history, medications, personal habits, and lifestyle choices.

This will help your loved one better adjust to his or her new surroundings. People with cognitive deficits or memory problems may become anxious or agitated in new situations, so it is important that the staff make the environment as familiar as possible for the senior individual. Here are some things to tell the memory care staff at the assisted living facility about your elderly loved one, so that his or her stay will be a favorable one:

Food Preferences 

Elderly individuals who have memories problems, cognitive deficits, or who suffer from dementia may also have special dietary needs. To them, familiarity is essential, even when it comes to dietary choices. It is for this reason that you should let the memory care staff know about your loved one's food preferences. Even though people with memory problems are often forgetful, they usually remember if they enjoyed eating a certain food or dish.

If people with memory deficits are not offered favorite or familiar foods, they may stop eating, which can result in nutritional deficits. In addition to discussing your loved one's food preferences with the assisted living staff, you should also let them know if your loved one needs assistance with feeding themselves.

Even though people with cognitive deficits may not have mobility problems that prevent them from physically feeding themselves, cognitive problems may be so severe that they may not remember how to eat independently. 

Pet Visit Preferences

People with memory problems may not only exhibit forgetfulness and have recall deficits, they may also show signs of anxiety or depression. It is for this reason that you should discuss your loved one's pet visit preferences. Assisted living facilities and nursing homes often partner with pet shelters, animal rescues, and pet therapy companies to provide therapeutic visits to their residents.

It is thought that exposure to dogs and cats may have beneficial effects on those with dementia, cognitive difficulties, and anxiety disorders. If your loved one enjoyed pets in the past, consider signing him or her up for a pet visit. If, on the other hand, your loved one has a fear of animals, let the staff know so they can ensure that the elderly person does not unexpectedly come into to close contact with an animal, which may cause anxiety. 

If your loved one is experiencing a severe decline in cognitive function, contact the administrator of an assisted living facility or nursing home to learn more about placement policies and services. Then, you can make an informed decision about whether or not the senior individual might benefit from either a short-term stay or permanent residence.